Sunday, February 12, 2006

Better Nights

Friday night Syd slept for 5 hours straight! I was thrilled. Well, actually, I woke up at 4:15 am (during her 4th our of straight sleep) and had to check to make sure she was still breathing. Of course she was, so I let her sleep until around 5:20 when she woke up for breakfast. I know she's too young for me to expect her to sleep through the night, but a good 4 or 5 hour stretch is quite thrilling when you've got a child who is hungry exactly every 3 hours-like clockwork. I guess that's how she gained 14 oz in 6 days between weeks 1 & 2! Her one month doc appt is on Thursday, so I'll have more growth to report on her then.

She is fitting into most of her 0-3mos size clothes now. She had quite a social day yesterday. I took her to my friend Stephanie's shower (she's expecting Syd's other boyfriend, Jackson, the first week of March). She wore her new pink overalls from Grandma Terri-super cute! Last night we dressed her up in a cute little red number from Grandma Robbin for a Valentine's party. We forgot to get pictures taken in it before putting her pj's on, so she'll have to wear it again on Tuesday. Today she is wearing a snowman outfit Jeff picked out ages ago, when she was still a little peanut inside me. The little shoes that match it are already getting to small for her, so we'll try to get as much wear out of them while we can. She's so much fun do dress up & show off like she's our new little dolly or something!

Yesterday a new family member was added on the Morgan side, Jeff's new cousin Daniel Christopher. You can check them out at Daniel was a big baby, especially for Rachel's first, at 9 lbs 1 oz and 22 inches long! Congrats Danny & Rachel!

The nursery is a bit of a mess in this picture, but we wanted to show you how Sydney likes to sit up like a big girl and see what's going on in the world. The flash caught me a little off guard in this picture, as you can tell my by sleepy eyes.

In our pre-Syd lives, we had "Saturday-Doggie on the Bed Day" which was the one morning that Velvet was allowed on the bed w/ us. Well....sorry pup, but now we have "Saturday-Sydney in the Bed Day" and we cuddle w/ her all morning long. This is the outfit from Grandma Terri.These are the adorable booties that are already getting too small for her tooties.Here is Syd in the snowman outfit that Jeff loves so much.


Blogger Mindy Bobe said...

She is such a cutie! Don't worry..the dog will get used to the cats have! Congrats on the night's sleep..hopefully she will keep it up! Just remember, those sleepy nights don't last forever!

6:55 PM  
Blogger Alli said...

She is so beautiful! I am so thrilled for the two of you! You just seem like the happiest family! Thank you for keeping up with your blog even though I am sure she keeps you both busy! It is great to look in on you all!

6:55 AM  
Blogger Dan and Rachel Morgan said...

Hey you guys,
The pics are great and how do you find the time to do all of this blogging? We have been in a blur since we got home Sunday. Rachel and Daniel are fine and I am about to fall over. I've had 5 hours sleep in the last 2 days, does that count? More pics are coming on out site soon.
Danny, Rachel, and little Daniel

5:48 PM  

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