Friday, February 08, 2008

Baby Brother Peanut

On Wednesday I had an appointment w/ my OB to check our progress. I think the appointment lasted all of 5 minutes, which I'm totally fine w/ since I don't really have questions much this time. I already know that if my hernia pops again (which some days I think it has) that they cant' fix it until 6 months postpartum, and that the ugly vein in my leg will have to wait as there's really no need for my complaining about them.

I weighed in (not my favorite part) and I think I've hit the 10 pound mark for gain this time already. I gained 27 w/ Syd total and was pretty happy w/ myself and I'm hoping to stay close to that mark again. I turned 23 weeks and I just can't believe how fast this is going!!!!!

These picts are from 1/2/08, when we found out he was a "he". I'm just now getting them scanned & into my computer (big surprise there).
As of now, we're not scheduled to have any other ultrasounds. My doc said she's trying her hardest to build a case so that she can find an excuse to have my insurance pay for at least one more. I do the glucose test next month, so they can't do one then. Maybe we'll get lucky and get to see him in April. If not, we might do the 3D one again & just pay for it out of pocket-it was lots of fun last time.

Yep, here are the family jewels. There are 2 things as a fetus & an infant that are totally open to the public that totally aren't when your an adult: your private parts & your weight gain. In fact, most parents are pretty proud of both.

He still measured big according to the height of my uterus (I didn't ask how big). She assured me that she didn't think I'd have a 9 pounder (whew!) but that would definitely help give her an excuse for more ultrasounds.
So, we're doing well. He's very active & I just find it so funny. I love that his whole world is me right now & that I'm the special one that gets to feel his every movement. It took me a while to start buying blue clothes w/out lace & frills, but now I can't stop buying polos, swim trunks, dress shirts & slacks, and sports wear (like he's a little jock already). Jeff is already making plans to start taking him to the gym at age 12 to start working out. I guess you could say we're pretty excited & its starting to set in.
Still no name. Give me a few more weeks and we might be ready...(don't hold your breath).


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