Week 7
From babyweekly.com;
Week 07- Your New Baby
Babies generally begin sleeping a little better when they are about 7 weeks old, so now is a great time to establish a bedtime routine. A regular order of events at bedtime will help differentiate nighttime sleep from daytime naps and make a clear transition between playtime and bedtime.
Remember to always place your baby on his or her back for sleeping to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and accidental suffocation.
Your baby is starting to understand his or her senses - he or she will follow dangling objects with his or her eyes, and visually search for the source of sounds. Your little one is also developing more sophisticated tastes in color, preferring bright colored, three dimensional objects over flat black and white ones. He or she may love to watch a colorful, musical mobile above his or her crib.
Your baby is also busy developing his or her motor skills and discovering that he or she can move his or her arms! Your little one doesn't have the hand-eye coordination or muscle tone necessary to successfully reach for an object, but he or she will begin to swipe aimlessly and probably squeal in delight as his or her arms flail about in the air. You might even see your baby's first social smile anytime now.
Jeff and I are positive that she had her first social smile on 2/21, if not before. She loves to smile and coo when Jeff plays a little game called "I'm going to get your tongue!". Its pretty cute. I'll try to get a video of it soon and post it on the blog...something I need to learn how to do still. Also, they sure are right about her sleeping better. Last night she slept from 10pm until 5;30am-now that's more like it!!
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