Getting Bigger! 5 mos Stats
We just weighed & measured Sydney at the local Mommy & Me store, so these aren't official. We got the stats from this website,
Based on the following information, you entered just now:
Sex =Girl
Age =5 months
Length/Height =26.5 inches
Weight =16.3 lbs (She weighed in at 16 lbs 5.5 oz, so we just estimated it)
Your child's growth falls in the following percentile:
Length/Height: 87th percentile
Weight:69 percentile
Based on the following information, you entered just now:
Sex =Girl
Age =5 months
Length/Height =26.5 inches
Weight =16.3 lbs (She weighed in at 16 lbs 5.5 oz, so we just estimated it)
Your child's growth falls in the following percentile:
Length/Height: 87th percentile
Weight:69 percentile
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