Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Sleeping Beauty

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Sydney slept through the night last night, and I'm one happy momma! She has slept for long stretches before, but none that correlated w/ my sleeping times. Last night I fed her at 8, we bathed her, I read her Goodnight Moon, and then laid her down to sleep. We're letting her "cry it out" if she doesn't go to sleep right away, and she did a good bit of fussing before going to sleep. But, I guess it worked because this is the first night in almost 8 weeks that she hasn't wanted to eat between 2am & 4am. I woke her at 11 to feed her again, a last chance effort to fill her tummy in hopes of a long slumber. At about 5:15 am Jeff rolled over to ask me if she was alright. I couldn't believe what time it was when I looked at the clock. A brief moment of panic ran over me as we both wondered if she was still breathing. At Jeff's request, I went in to take a peek at her-but very careful not to wake her. She looked peaceful & still had color in her cheeks, so I assumed that she was okay. We all slept until 6:15 when Jeff's alarm went off for work and I woke her up for her first morning feeding. This is exactly the schedule I'd hoped she'd learn to adjust to. I'll try bathing her & putting her down a bit earlier tonight, because I think she still needs a longer night sleep. This might not be a permanent sleep pattern yet, but with a little more work & consistency I hope it will be soon.

Everybody loves a naked baby! Jeff was admiring her before dressing her on Saturday.

He quickly discovered that she's outgrown this 0-3 mos outfit. It was a little tight at the crotch, but it was more noticeable that she couldn't straighten her legs. This is actually the exact same outfit she wore 9 days earlier in the pictures below.

You can tell a little better in this picture, especially on her right let. Her foot is all the way to the end, but her knee is still bent.


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