Week 13 from Babyweekly.com
At three months old, babies usually range from 22 inches long and 9.75 pounds (10th percentile) to 24.5 inches long and 14 pounds (90th percentile). Sydney Alexis can see a bit farther now and can focus on objects that are up to 20 feet away. This increased view of the world means Sydney Alexis can still see you when you are on the other side of the room, so she can now be comforted by the sight of you even when you're not right next to her. But who could stay away from such an adorable little bubble blower?Yes, drooling has started and Sydney Alexis is probably making bubbles with her saliva. With all that excess saliva and wiping, her chin may become chapped. To relieve some of the problem, run a humidifier in her nursery and try bathing her less often. A little redness is normal with chapped skin, but if it becomes really inflamed give your pediatrician a call or bring it up at your next visit.Sydney Alexis can probably lift her head and shoulders high (45- to 90-degree angle) when placed on her stomach, using her arms for support. This strengthens the muscles she will need to roll over, which could happen any time. While babies often roll from tummy to back first, doing it the other way is perfectly normal, too. However, it may take Sydney Alexis until she's about 5 or 6 months to roll from back to tummy, because she needs stronger neck and arm muscles for that trick.With all this increasing strength and coordination, Sydney Alexis may now be able to hold with both hands those rattles you got as gifts. It's still a little early for her to be reaching for objects, but she will hold them for a moment if given them.
"The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children."~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer
"The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children."~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer
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