I picked Sydney up early from Diane's today because she had 100.1 temp & was very fussy. We decided on Wednesday that she was cutting her top teeth in, and I think she peaked today. I gave her some Tylenol this morning just in case, and 5 hours later Diane called me to ask if she could give her some more. After I brought her home she was just happy as can be (she had Tylenol in her system & Mommy by her side).
Here she is playing w/ her reflection in the oven.
I took this pict as she was climbing up me (I make for a great jungle gym these days). You can see the remainder of the bruise between her eyes. Earlier this week she was sitting on my lap in front of the computer. I unplug the keyboard to the desktop so she can bang away at it while my laptop sits one level higher on the desk safe & sound (its the only way I get things done before she goes to bed). Well, she threw the keyboard on the floor & immediately dove after it. She bonked her head on the edge of the keyboard shelf. Needless to say, there were some tears shed. I took her to the nearest light switch to distract her & it worked like a charm. Nothing makes her happier than switching the lights on & off. She's not so good at the "on" part, but loves the "off'.
Here she is playing w/ her reflection in the oven.
She also likes to drink from an open cup like a big girl. I can't drink anything in front of her w/out her reaching for it, so she gets her own big girl plastic cup in addition to a sippy cup at meal time. The sippy gets flung to the floor & she grunts and points for the open cup. She is actually learning to drink from it, but its quite a mess. Just look how soaked she is at dinner tonight-and I only gave her 1/2 a cup this time!!
I don't think this picture is large enough on the blog for you to see, but she actually did break through one of those top teeth this afternoon. 
I was trying to put her laundry away before putting her to bed tonight. Sydney thought this was the best game ever. She made up the rules, which were apparently to get all the laundry away from Mommy as fast as she could while throwing them all over the floor.
She was relentless and very determined.....
reaching for every last piece.... (notice the pile behind her getting larger)
until the very last sock was out! Whew, all done!
Then the game was to put things on your head to see what fit.
And if it didn't fit, then just roll around in the big pile.